Friday, April 29, 2011

Redbox Game News

On June 17th movie rental in a box company Redbox will begin to rent video games nationwide in many of their rental stations.  There’s not much you can say about it really.  It’s a very good concept for movie rentals and it makes money, it makes the consumer happy.  The new schema places popular game titles in the machines for 2$ a day instead of the original 1$ movie cost.  It’s a competitive price point in regards to the competition but I foresee one issue arising.  Redbox is already the best place to go if you want to rip a movie.  (I’m not recommending you do this.)  Now people will be hitting it up for games to rip.  It may not be a large portion of the business they get.  But, I do think it will be a real problem. 
However that plays out, I’m actually looking forward to having a few games ive not had the chance to play at my fingertips.

Mal out


  1. Renting games could be a good idea, but nowadays, since everything is downloaded from here or there, I don't think there would be much success. I'd personally rent a couple of games, but here where I live, there's no shop/bussiness like that
